
The Challenge – What difference are you trying to make?
Social purpose sits at the heart of strategy – but do your current vision and mission capture why you exist and the difference you’re trying to make? What are the specific aims of your individual activities, and is it clear how they contribute to achieving your long term goal?

Our Approach – Sensemaking
We will work in partnership with you to develop a deeper understanding of your short and longer term goals and the role your activities play in achieving them (sometimes referred to as a ‘Theory of Change’ approach). During these conversations, we aim to act as a sounding board and critical friend, not afraid to ask tough questions and be challenging when we think that it will be helpful. 

Key Outcome – Clear goals
Exploring your ‘Theory of Change’, ‘logic model’ or ‘outcomes chain’ will help you create a strategic framework for informing the development of a more detailed plan. It can also help you ensure that your overarching framework/key goals are clearly captured in your vision, mission and aims or values statements.

We particularly appreciated the willingness to challenge us on some of the beliefs and approaches we are most tied to in the way we work. It was really helpful to be pushed in this way to reflect on what is the core of our work and why. They managed to identify the key questions we needed to ask ourselves to put together a strategy for the next five years, which allowed us to very quickly understand where we wanted to focus our capacity and how we want to move forward.
Oonagh Ryder, PramDepot